Wednesday, November 19, 2014

[English] Poem reflection of The Metaphor

I can't spare myself from the guilt and the grief
What all these years meant for me
Was thrown away by me

I couldn't believe that I was afraid to stop their hurtful ways
Behind the duo tang I hid
But never a word I said

She was a durian
People would just look and turn away
But when you crack it open, you can see the essence hidden inside.

Her words like a fire lit my tender ember
But I didn't choose to save her
I betrayed her, I condemned her
Until I realized my heart was also hurt

I sat down and wrote a metaphor
So I know how I really loved her
Her teachings flowed through my words
For though she is gone, I will always remember

1 comment:

  1. haha...a durian as a metaphor. That's one I never would have thought about,
