Wednesday, November 19, 2014



[English] Poem reflection of The Metaphor

I can't spare myself from the guilt and the grief
What all these years meant for me
Was thrown away by me

I couldn't believe that I was afraid to stop their hurtful ways
Behind the duo tang I hid
But never a word I said

She was a durian
People would just look and turn away
But when you crack it open, you can see the essence hidden inside.

Her words like a fire lit my tender ember
But I didn't choose to save her
I betrayed her, I condemned her
Until I realized my heart was also hurt

I sat down and wrote a metaphor
So I know how I really loved her
Her teachings flowed through my words
For though she is gone, I will always remember

Thursday, October 30, 2014

[English] William's sorrow

It's the time of the year,

When hollyhocks blossom.

He sat behind the window,

listened to flowers' gossip.

Before he was an accomplished man

With wife and job in hand.

Now everyday he weeps and cries,

lost in his corrupted mind.

Then the bitch bites,

And takes his life away.

Oh the poor William,

Taking his one last breath.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Why a blog?

    I always disliked blogs, for no apparent reason at all. Kind of ironic that I opened my first blog at the age of 5. Well, I didn't really take care of it anyways. But having to really open a blog, and post on it regularly, maybe is something to look forwards to.
    It was hard to choose a link for the blog, and I believe you already see what I mean in the link. Still pretty surprised that this link is available. Or was.

    Talking about surprised, I'm surprised to find out that the correct spelling is surprised instead of suprised.

    Back on topic. What is the use of a blog? To record your life? To write about your mind? To share the moments with your friends? The possibility seems endless. But at the same time there's no possibility at all to me. Confusing, but that's how I feel. It's going to be hard keeping up the blog, but I'm going to try. There's got to be something to write about. My past life? I don' know.

    I'll probably end it here, since I still want to go to bed early. Anyways, good night guys.